Today has been a great day! I have wanted to see the Xi'an terracotta warriors for years, and this was finally the day! They did not disappoint, and were well worth the fight through rush hour traffic to reach them this morning. On top of that, it was a perfect sunny, 70-ish degree day. Because tomorrow is an early flight and we must meet in the lobby at 6 am, I will let the photos and their captions mostly tell our day's adventures.

Lovely area of town. We ended our day with a dumpling feast at the Tang Dynasty Music and Dance, which was followed by the show. The dinner was delicious, and the show delightful. We loved the orchestra with its instruments we didn't recognize, and the dancers were very graceful and colorful.

Cast with banner. And then Singers were invited up on stage for a group photo with the cast. A strong ending to a thoroughly enjoyable day. Now we're back in our rooms, having already packed and taken our check-in luggage to the lobby so that it can go the airport ahead of us. We will gather early and head to the airport. More adventures and concerts are yet to come!