April 25: Bon Voyage to Provo - BYU Singers Skip to main content
Tour - 2011 Colorado

April 25: Bon Voyage to Provo

The Bon Voyage Concert is over, and the choir is now finishing packing both for tour, and for many to leave Provo for the summer or post-graduation life. This entry will be very brief as the packing process is long, and morning will come early.The choir sang a good concert to a very appreciative audience (love those home audiences!) and had a chance to perform some of the pieces they've learned more recently. It's fun to watch all the repertoire from the year come together into a concert program that can be tweaked and rearranged to fit each hall and audience.Here are a few shots of the choir both formal and a tad less formal. Concert outfits were already packed, so they were not in tuxes and gowns tonight.Hope to see many of you on tour!
