Our first full day of tour has been just that – full! We reconvened from our various lodgings this morning so that we could drive to Eagle High School. The school has a fine choir who was busy preparing for their own concert tonight. Mr. McMullen rehearsed them while Dr. Staheli offered a few helpful comments. Singers performed a few numbers for them both as rehearsal and performance since they would not be able to attend the Singers concert tonight, and I think the choirs enjoyed the experience. A bonus to the entire experience was being able to visit with Paul and Ali (Warner) Johnson. We love seeing our alumni on tours!

We next bused to downtown Boise and were turned loose to find our own lunch. It felt wonderful to walk around in the sun, and we thoroughly enjoyed seeing the beautiful city with all of its blossoming and leafed-out trees. My camera enjoyed a snooze in the bus while I wandered. Our second clinic of the day was at Caldwell High School, also featuring a cougar as their mascot. We felt right at home. About 200 students from various choirs were gathered, and they listened attentively as Singers rehearsed and performed a few numbers. There was a good Q&A until the class time ended.

With not enough time to go anywhere else before dinner, we headed to the College of Idaho in Caldwell for some free time. It is a pretty campus. Some relaxed, while others of us grappled with CDs and other equipment to be ready for tonight’s concert. We deserved the tasty dinner served to us by the Caldwell Fine Arts Series. The sponsors and host families have taken such good care of us, and we are very grateful.

Tonight’s concert was in the Jewett Auditorium on the College of Idaho campus. Brent Wells, one of our alumni who is choral faculty there, watched over us. The hall was very rewarding in which to perform, and there was a very receptive and warm audience. They demanded two encores with their standing ovation; the choir might still be singing if they hadn’t been tired.

More alumni were at tonight’s concert: besides Brent and the McCauleys, organizers of this stage of the tour, Mary (Reeve) Gagnon, Matthew Fletcher, Tiffany (Call) Calás, Teresa (Pinegar) Baker, and Amy (Astle) Weaver were there. This might be my favorite part of tour. Not much time for more than a hug, but we were thrilled to see so many alumni.

This was a great way to start the tour, and we plan to build on our beginning. All are healthy, and hopefully all are getting a good night’s sleep tonight. If not, there will be some hours on the bus tomorrow to catch a nap.