Today felt very familiar as it was similar to that of last Sunday during our time in Hanoi. We had some time this morning to rest and prepare for our day after which we went to lunch at a beautiful restaurant. The staff was very kind once again and brought out a cake to celebrate yet another birthday today. After we finished our meal, we rushed over to attend the LDS branch meeting in Ho Chi Minh. The small chapel was filled with members before we even entered the building, so it became quite packed as we filed into the space.

The people of Ho Chi Minh love birthdays! After a beautiful service that was translated by the full-time missionaries serving here, BYU Singers had a rehearsal to prepare for their devotional performance tonight. They sang many of the hymns that they have performed throughout this tour. The congregation was moved by many of these pieces, but perhaps the most touching was One Sweet Little Baby. The lyrics 'we have come so far' truly hit home tonight as the choir sang this angelic message.

BYU Singers immediately following the devotional Many members of BYU Singers fought back tears throughout the devotional tonight as the realization hit that this would be their last time singing these pieces together. The performances throughout this tour have been a life-changing experience for all those involved: the audiences, the choirs with whom we have collaborated, the conductors, and ourselves. It's an incredible experience to perform and listen to the same piece of music but have unique feelings towards different moments each time they are performed. Choral music is a truly transcendent form of communication.