May 6: Cheyenne, WY - BYU Singers Skip to main content
Tour - 2011 Colorado

May 6: Cheyenne, WY

On the road again – but first we drove to the beautiful Catholic church in Denver where we will be performing tomorrow night’s final concert. This was our only chance to rehearse in the space and figure out how and where to stand. I’ll put some photos of the church today, though there will be more tomorrow. It has beautiful acoustics, and the choir is looking forward to the concert.

St. Elizabeth of Hungary Roman Catholic Church
Photo by Sandefur Schmidt
Rose window
Photo by Sandefur Schmidt
Photo by Sandefur Schmidt

Rehearsing (with two of our alumni sponsors conferring in the pews)
Photo by Sandefur Schmidt
Scheidt sopranos in back of church
Photo by Sandefur Schmidt

Then back in the bus and on our way to Cheyenne, our only concert outside of Colorado during this tour. We arrived at East HS in time to catch the last 15 minutes of their girls’ choir rehearsal, and the choir offered a few comments. Then the jazz choir arrived, and performed three numbers for us. Though not all Singers were experienced at that type of singing, they still had some ideas to give the students. We enjoyed our time with them. The larger mixed choir came in, and we continued the workshop with them for a bit.

East HS girls' choir
Photo by Sandefur Schmidt
Jazz choir
Photo by Sandefur Schmidt
Singing for the students
Photo by Sandefur Schmidt

The stake center wasn’t too far away, so we were able to have a free hour there before dinner was served. They prepared a ham dinner that was a feast, and we loved it. The choir sang their thanks afterwards to the Relief Society sisters who prepared it, and to the many others who helped in some way.

Singing for our supper
Photo by Sandefur Schmidt
Those being sung to
Photo by Sandefur Schmidt

Our concert was at another HS in town that was just a block from the stake center. We bused over as no one was very excited about trundling their suitcases and everything else we carry with us down a major street.

Cheyenne Central HS
Photo by Sandefur Schmidt
Matt Nielsen conducting
Photo by Sandefur Schmidt
Photo by Sandefur Schmidt
Photo by Sandefur Schmidt
Photo by Sandefur Schmidt
Photo by Sandefur Schmidt

Central HS has a very nice auditorium, and Singers were happy to sing their concert for the large and appreciative audience. I could tell how much they enjoyed it by how many swarmed the CD table before, during and after the concert. This was the final performance for the choir’s secular songs, as tomorrow night’s concert must be totally sacred literature.

Cheyenne has been a good experience, and many asked us to return soon. I think the weather would defeat me; as I sat in my coat tonight, I watched all of the audience walking in wearing light jackets or no coats at all. Of course, the wind might have just blown their jackets away! I’d forgotten how constantly windy it is here. But the people here are truly warm and wonderful, and it has been a delight to spend time with them. Thank you, Cheyenne!