May 9: White Salmon, Oregon & Centralia, Washington - BYU Singers Skip to main content
Tour - 2014 Oregon

May 9: White Salmon, Oregon & Centralia, Washington

We said goodbye to yet another wonderful and generous group of host families and sponsors, and jumped on the bus to travel to White Salmon. We saw beautiful scenery going, but it was even more spectacular driving on to Centralia, Washington as we traveled through the Columbia River Gorge, this time in more sunlight. We are between storms for a few minutes, and the sunlight hitting these mountains is so pretty. Clouds and mist are sitting on the tops of the mountains and in the high valleys as the storm just moved back in, ferociously. (I am writing this part of the blog on the bus as we travel on this very windy road.) Our first stop was at White Salmon High School, where Dr. Staheli and the choir presented a clinic for a group of combined band and choir students. It turned into a very good hour together as Singers explained and demonstrated some basics about tone and color. Most of the students had far more experience with instruments than voices, but they were all eager to learn and willing to try new things. They had very good comments and questions, and soaked in all that was shown. At the very end there was time for small groups of Singers and students to mingle. This was a very valuable hour, and we’re glad to have been part of it.

Dr. Staheli working with the students.
Listening intently.
Making new friends.

We then drove back into Washington, arriving at the Corbett Auditorium of the Centralia Junior College. Since it was raining a bit, most of us went into the auditorium where there was a very interesting Q&A with Dr. and Sister Staheli. Tonight’s dinner at the Centralia Stake Center was a shrimp boil, and it was delicious. They were prepared to feed hundreds as a fund-raiser, so we were just their opening act. It was a darn good opening act! Surprisingly, it was raining as we arrived back at the junior college for warm-up and dressing. If nothing else, it’s taught us all how to move a little more quickly! I could tell by the people who were streaming in that there would be a good audience, and indeed, it was almost sold out. They were most enthusiastic, and obviously enjoyed the concert very much. We were happy to see alumnus Troy Fisher there, along with Amy Wilson Glenn’s mom. Jared Oaks' parents were at a concert a couple of nights ago. And I met Mele Santos’ mother Sunday night. The connections we’ve made are something I treasure with our Singers family.

Inside the Corbett Auditorium.
View from the back of the hall.

We had our full choir back tonight, and it was good to be complete. I think Dr. Staheli was happy to be “just” conducting again and not also filling in for missing accompanists!

'Walkin' Down that Glory Road'
'Oh, they'll kill the old red rooster...'

One more concert to go, one more return trip to Oregon. And probably more rain. Nevertheless, this has been a great tour with some very fine concerts in wonderful venues. We are grateful for the many people who have made these concerts possible! P.S. If you click on the photos, you can view them a little larger on your computer.