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Tour - 2024 Ireland

Arriving in Dublin

We left Provo Saturday morning far before bright and early, though early certainly applied. We were on the road to the airport at 6 am, arrived, checked in, and waited a bit to embark on the plane. Both flights went well—they stayed in the air and landed on time. You cannot ask for much more! We explored the large Logan airport in Boston before our second flight; staying mobile was fast becoming the only way to stay awake.

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After wandering a bit we did manage to find our bus, which then took us to Killiney Park. We weren't sure what to expect, but found that it truly is a popular destination for walkers and hikers. Most hikers had dogs with them, and my guess is that people and dogs alike enjoyed the spectacular views over the surrounding areas: Dublin to the northwest, the Irish Sea and the mountains of Wales (on a clear day) to the east and southeast, and Bray Head and the Wicklow Mountains to the south.

We came back to the center of Dublin for lunch, then were finally able to check into our hotel after 2 pm. It feels luxurious to clean up a little and have a couple of free hours before our group dinner. The hotel is great, with hot water, electricity, and what looks like a comfortable bed. There is also a giant screen just outside broadcasting a soccer game, with a good sized, very vocal crowd giving support and commentary.

We are definitely in Ireland, and happy to be here! We have had clear blue sky much of the day, with clouds slipping in and out of the view during the afternoon. This may be our only day here without rain, so we are appreciating it!

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The River Liffey.

Dinner was at an Italian restaurant in walking distance of our hotel, and then back for a well-deserved full night of sleep. We are excited that tour has begun!